Thanks for stopping by. This site is a work in progress while I learn WordPress.

Let’s have some fun. Sign up for my mailing list below and you’ll be entered automatically in a drawing to have a character named for you (or named by you) in the second Atticus Bragg adventure. The deadline to enter has been extended to July 31, 2021. (Yes, it will take at least that long to get Bragg 2 finished and edited.)

A neutral party, probably one of my daughters, will select an email address in a random process, and the winner will have naming rights. Within reason, of course–no “Boaty McBoatface” please. I reserve the right to negotiate small changes to fit my world. This will be a minor character, who may or may not die. Hey, you could be a red-shirt! Lucky you.

So submit your email address below for a chance to win literary immortality!

Also, please consider leaving a review of Bragg For Hire on Amazon, or even just a star rating.

Reviews/ratings by readers help independent authors like me tremendously.